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Translation in Portal 3.0
Elisa Dinsmore avatar
Written by Elisa Dinsmore
Updated over a week ago

This article is for Flatfile's Portal 3.0. If you'd like to check out the latest version of the Flatfile Data Exchange Platform, click here!

Ensuring your users will understand how to with Flatfile is important, and we want to ensure their importing experience is as smooth as possible! Portal 3.0 now has the ability to detect whether your users have their browser language set to French, and will translate the Portal navigation and instructions for them.

Right now, this feature must be turned on by our support team if you would like to use it, so please contact with your TeamId so we can get this set up for your team! If the feature has not been enabled for your team, instructions will be served in English for all users.

Please note: the language locale is delivered per batch. This means that if you are testing and switch your browser language in the middle of testing an import, you must restart the batch and import to see the translation take effect.

Looking for a different language? Reach out to

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