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Customizing Portal 3.0
Elisa Dinsmore avatar
Written by Elisa Dinsmore
Updated over a week ago

This article is for Flatfile's Portal 3.0. If you'd like to check out the latest version of the Flatfile Data Exchange Platform, click here! We offer much greater granular control of your Portal themes than can be implemented on a per-space or per Customer basis in the latest Platform.

Flatfile Portal 3.0 contains a suite of new and returning features, including the ability to customize the look of your Portal. Flatfile Portal customization options allow you to change the colors and font of Flatfile’s data import workflow to match your brand, giving your users a streamlined experience when onboarding data to your platform.

To customize a Portal, click on Team in the left hand side of your dashboard.

On the Team page, click Customization. In the Customization tab, you can customize the color of icons and clickable elements in the data onboarding experience. To select a color, enter a 6-digit hex color code (preceded by a #) into the Primary Color text box. A preview of your chosen color will appear on the right hand side of the box.

Below is one example of a customized onboarding experiences In it, you can see how changing the selected color in the Primary Color field will change the look of the onboarding experience.

Changing the primary color option will change how the Embed looks

To customize the font, enter the Typekit Project ID and desired Font Family information in their dedicated fields.

Flatfile currently supports Typekit (Adobe fonts) only. If you would like to request a different font library, please let us know by emailing When you are done, click the Set global theme button to update the look of all of your Portals.

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