Finding Flatfile IDs in the Dashboard
Elisa Dinsmore avatar
Written by Elisa Dinsmore
Updated over a week ago

This article is for Flatfile's Portal 2.0, Portal 3.0, and Workspaces. If you'd like to check out the latest version of the Flatfile Data Exchange Platform, click here!

Your TeamID is one of the first things you will be asked for if you contact for help. Your TeamID can be found in the URL in your address bar when you are using Flatfile. For instance, if your TeamID is 12345, you would see in your address bar. Your TeamID will always appear in the same place in the URL.

Other IDs, such as workspace, batch, embed, and template IDs, follow a similar pattern.

To find your WorkspaceID, open a workspace and look at the URL.

To find your BatchID, also called an ImportID, open an import and look at the URL.

To find your PortalID, open an embed and look at the URL.

To find your TemplateID, open a template and look at the URL.

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