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Elisa Dinsmore avatar
Written by Elisa Dinsmore
Updated over a week ago

Flatfile now offers Flatfile-hosted SFTP, enabling users to upload files via SFTP directly into a designated space. Files uploaded in this way automatically appear in the space and will be extracted, exactly as if you had dropped files onto the Files page.

Why you should use it:

SFTP through Flatfile's Platform allows for larger file imports than browser-based uploads and will enable automated imports from other systems. Uploads are one-way for security purposes--once a file is uploaded, Flatfile extracts it and removes it from the SFTP folder. Users cannot download files from the SFTP server, which enhances security.

Many systems support SFTP, as it's a standard protocol that works across a wide range of software systems. If this is already a workflow you have implemented, this will enable you to plug Flatfile into your existing processes.

How to use it:

Once SFTP is enabled on your account, you'll see an option to "Get SFTP Credentials" in your space.

Once clicked, you'll see the credentials for this space.

There will be one set of credentials per space; a user with access to their space's credentials will not be able to access or import data to a different space. Uploads are one-way for security purposes; once a file is uploaded, Flatfile extracts it and then removes it from the SFTP server.

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