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Flatfile Data Exchange Platform
Articles and Guides for the latest version of the Flatfile Platform
Flatfile Data Exchange Platform - Current Customer FAQ
Which file types are supported by default in the Data Exchange Platform?
Where do I find important IDs in the Dashboard?
How do I configure new API keys in the Flatfile Data Exchange Platform?
Is it possible to revert a change made to a dataset in the review table?
File Size Limits?
How Do Record Update Artifacts Work?
Is It Possible to Access Space-Level Metadata Using the Record Hook Plugin?
Does Flatfile Trim Trailing Spaces in Cells?
Does Flatfile Provide Any Egress Connectors?
What are PDV (Processed Data Values)?
Why Doesn't My Review Table Display All My Rows?
How does Flatfile ensure mapping is as accurate as possible?
AI Assist - How does the AI work?
What is an Unlinked Space?
Markdown Support in Field Descriptions and Job Outcome Messages
Working Around Character Limits for Secrets
Filter Records Based on Metadata for a Field
Field Type Validations
Can I Change the Label or Outcome Messages for the Simple onSubmit Action?
Securing Webhooks/Listener API Requests
Disabling the "Manually Enter Data" Option on a Sheet
How to Disable Actions while Validations Are Running
Handling Large Listeners
How to Update From Simple SDK Methods to Using a Workbook and Listener
Flatfile's Data Exchange Platform Glossary
Flatfile Query Language
Retrieve Mapping Information
Store Original Record Value
Retrieving Additional Field Data With Reference Fields
Run Validations On All Fields Of A Certain Type
Headless File Feeds
Update A Sheet To Be ReadOnly After It Is Created
Magic Link Workflow
Styling Elements Outside of the Flatfile iFrame
Setting Labels and Filtering Spaces
Allowing Flatfile Domains
Custom Button: Back to Mapping
Batching Records during Data Egress
How to Automatically Close the iframe of an Embedded Importer
How to Retrieve the File Name of the Imported File
How to Determine Who Accessed a Space
Programmatically Hide Empty Columns
Retrieve Record Key-Value Pairs without Additional Metadata
Launching an Embedded Portal with a Server-Side Listener
Preload Data in a Sheet
Data Clips