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Magic Link Workflow
Elisa Dinsmore avatar
Written by Elisa Dinsmore
Updated over a week ago

This article is for the latest version of the Flatfile Data Exchange Platform.

To access a Workbook that’s been shared with you, there is a two step process in order to securely give you access. The process is:

  1. Invitation to collaborate: sent from your Workspace admin and will allow your email account to access any future workbooks at any time; save this email or bookmark this link!

  2. Magic Link Access: Sent from the link in the invitation to collaborate and for security, this is a temporary link and can be resent using the invitation link

First, you will receive an invitation to collaborate in your inbox from a Workspace owner. Click “Get Access >” in the body of the email. **Save this email or bookmark the link! This link will give you future access to all of your shared workbooks.**

Once you do, a new tab will open with the message below to let you know that a secure temporary link has been sent to your inbox. If you do not get to the link in time, go back to the “Get Access >” link in the invitation email to restart the process.

Flatfile will have sent you one more email (subject: "Verify your email to collaborate”) to verify it is indeed you who is trying to access a shared Workspace. In your inbox, open that new email and click “Verify and login” to access your collaborative workbooks in Flatfile.

A new tab will open to the collaborative workbooks you’ve been granted access to work.

That’s it! You will have access to any workbooks to which you have been granted access. To switch between different spaces, click on the carrot next to the name of the space in the top left corner.

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